G.O.T, L.O.T.R, Marvel, and HipHop - The Kitchen 55

Man, this is the moment we are finally gonna crossover to audio only platforms. We’ll be on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, and various other through RSS. We haven’t recorded a podcast in 4 weeks. We took a little vacation so we could handle some life stuff. You all know about that. Lol. But, we are primed and ready for more shows and better shows on the Kitchen! The Kitchen isn’t dead!!

We knew before the night even started we had to talk about that Eminem and Logic track Homicide. However, we had no idea we’d end up talking about Game of Thrones and what not. Lol. Art tells me I need to watch this hour long review so I can catch up and have some talking point with the nerd girls. But, I just can’t seem to make it through 3 episodes. You’ll hear about that on the show though.


I’m really glad we are back!! It feels like it its been a decade since we shared some of our thoughts, opinions, and interest. No worries we wont leave our fans again! Thank you guys for the support! Special thanks to the people that keep rolling up on me on the street asking if we are gonna drop another show. Lol. feels really good knowing you guys are paying attention.


Welcome back to The Kitchen you are here with Team MAD Rational….



Tony Skratchere In the Kitchen Episode 57


The Kitchen 56 - Podcast 01